Toddler: 12 - 36 months - accompanied by an adult.
(1 hour and 1 ½ hour classes available)
Young Nursery: Child must be 2 ½ years old.
Full immumizations and birth certificate required.
Nursery: Child must be 3 years old by December 31st.
Full immumizations and birth certificate required.
Free Full Day Universal Pre-K: UPK is a 5 day, 6 ½ hour program. Children must be 4 years old by December 31st. Full immumizations and birth certificate required.
Summer Program: Toddler, Young Nursery, Nursery, Pre-K, Kindergarten
Full and part-time programs are available to Nursery children.
Universal Pre-K is a full day program.
Extended Hours
7:00 a.m. to 9:00 a.m.
4:00 p.m. to 6:00 p.m.

About Our Programs
My Toddler and Me - 12 - 36 Months
Your toddler wants nothing more than your undivided attention while playing in a safe nursery school environment. The toddler class is a fun and positive interaction between child and parent or caretaker. Together you will participate in art, music, story time, cooking, finger plays, songs, and daily themes designed to develop language, motor and social skills.
Young Nursery
Young Nursery was designed for a 2½ year old to experience a mini nursery school day in a nurturing and safe environment. Emphasis is on socialization by where the children are encouraged to play cooperatively with each other by sharing, taking turns and using words to express themselves. Language development is fostered through finger plays, songs, sensory experiences, stories, dramatic play and puppetry. Daily curriculum revolves around monthly themes. The children also enjoy seasonal activities, block building, and manipulative art. Our goal is to achieve total enjoyment and learning for the children during their first school experience.
Nursery & Pre Kindergarten
The nursery and Pre-K programs foster learning and development in social/emotional, physical, cognitive and language. We have used our knowledge of how children develop and learn to create an environment in which children are safe and comfortable, and feel they belong. An effective learning environment also helps children develop independence and confidence as learners.
Our Nursery and Pre-K classrooms are learning environments that provide children with hands on experiences. Each area or center invites children to actively explore, investigate, experiment, share and play creatively with all materials. The classroom centers include: dramatic play, blocks, music and movement, manipulative toys and games, math, library and group time area, computer, science, sand and water, art, cooking, writing and oral language & listening.
The physical environment sets the stage for learning and affects children's behavior. The Pre-K learning environment provides daily opportunities for oral language, phonological awareness, alphabetic knowledge, experiences with concepts of print, vocabulary knowledge, story comprehension and writing experimentation. Vocabulary language skills and knowledge about the world are acquired during interesting conversations with responsive adults. Speaking and listening are the foundationskills for reading and writing.
Pre-K children enjoy our weekly readers and borrowing books from our book exchange. The daily schedule is well balanced and flexible. It includes active and quiet times, There are large group activities, small group activities and time to play alone or with others. It includes indoor and outdoor playtime. There are times for child-initiated and teacher-directed activities.The social atmosphere is created by having rules to guide behavior. The classroom provides opportunities for children to work together and cooperate. Our classrooms function as a community which helps children to relate positively to others and to resolve conflicts peacefully by using words to express their feelings.
Common Core Standards are implemented into all areas of learning.
Pre-Kindergarden Programs
Universal Pre-K: This program is funded by the Department of Education at our sites. It is a 6 ½ hour program and it is tuition free with no registration free.
Extended Day Pre-K: The Extended Day is for any child who attends for full day or any additional hours before or after UPK. This is a great option for working parents, for parents who would like to give their child a full day school experience, or for parents who feel their child would benefit from the added reinforcement, and varied approach of the Pre-K curriculum. Tuition is charged for any additional hours before or after UPK hours.
By participating in our quality programs your child will develop a strong foundation for school readiness and academic success. Our goal is for children to gain independence, a positive attitude towards themselves and an eagerness to learn.
All of our programs provide meaningful family involvement experiences. We have an open door policy, parent/child family orientation, seasonal celebrations, field day, newsletters and daily communication through posted notes and together time activities.
Before entering any program, all Children must have full medical with all required immunizations.