What Staff qualifications do you require?
Classes are taught by qualified and dedicated personnel.
Directors hold a Masters Degree in Early Childhood Education and are State certified.
Group Teachers hold a Masters Degree, a Bachelors Degree and or an Associates Degree Education. State certification requirements are met.
Assistant teachers hold an associates degree or the equivalent.
Teachers Aides are currently enrolled in college classes, have CDA's or hold a high school diploma and have prior work experience with pre-school children.
All employees are required to present three letters of recommendation and references are checked.
All employees are screened through State Central Clearance and are fingerprinted. Pediatric first aid and CPR certified staff is present at all times.
All staff is required to attend workshops and staff development meetings and conferences.
What are the parental responsibilities required?
Parents are considered partners in the educational process.
The center welcomes telephone calls and visits at any time.The parent teacher relationship is extremely important and mutual respect is expected at all times. Parents and teachers need to keep an open line of communication via conversations and notes. A timely response to any correspondence is expected.
Our parent orientation meeting gives an overview of our program. Questions, concerns and expectations are addressed at this meeting.
There are several holiday events where the parents join the children in celebration. Parent – teacher conferences allow the parent and teacher to share in the child's Pre-school experience. There is daily communication between parents and classroom staff. At the end of each day parents are made aware of the days activities by verbal dialogue and a posted summary that highlights the day's events. A notebook is used as a daily log between parent and teacher with optional activities to do at home.
It is your responsibility as a parent to follow all of the center's policies
What are your health and safety policies?
• Make provisions for alternative day care when your child is sick. If your child becomes sick during the day, make sure someone is available to remove your child from the center as soon as possible.(If your child is sick he/she must be kept home)
• Inform a Director if your child has been exposed to any contagious diseases.
• Upon return a note is required from guardian or doctor.
• If children are well enough to attend school, they will not be excluded from any activities including outdoor play and indoor water activities.
• A telephone call is required on the first day of your child's absence.
• If medication is required, a consent form must be filled out and the medication must be pre-measured. The staff will not measure the dosage.
• Complete all applications: medical, consent for emergency treatment, emergency contact form and general application.
• Please apply sunscreen at home and it will be reapplied as necessary.
• Parents will be notified of any injury or accident.
• If the accident or injury is severe, the Director or person in charge will make the decision for treatment in the absence of the parent.
• An accident report will be completed and kept on file.
• Fire drills and evacuations are done periodically.
• All doors are kept locked at all times.
• The center will verify any unfamiliar person who is picking up a child via photo identification and telephone call to parent.
• All staff members are mandated to report any signs of child abuse or maltreatment to the proper authorities.
• Photographs will be taken of the children for educational purposes only.
Is there a dress code?
Dress children in comfortable and manageable clothing Rubber soled, closed shoes are required. A complete, labeled and seasonal change of clothing is required. No dangling jewelry. Children will go outdoors year round, so please dress them appropriately.
Does the school supply Meals and Snacks?
Breakfast is offered to children who arrive before 8:30 am. A healthy morning and afternoon snack is provided. Parents will provide a complete lunch when applicable. Inform teachers of specific dietary restrictions and food allergies. We serve breakfast and lunch to our full day UPK children. The UPK families can opt out of the hot lunch program.
How do you celebrate Children's Birthdays?
Your child’s birthday is a very special day. You child picks favorite songs, dances and activities for the class to do together. The teacher makes a decorated crown using your child’s favorite color. At snack time, we sing Happy Birthday, and the children enjoy a special snack that you may bring to class. If goody bags are sent they are distributed at dismissal.
Do the children take naps?
Full day children are required to rest according to Board of Health regulations. Every effort is made to make the transition from active play to rest time as comfortable as possible. A cot or mat will be provided by the center. Parents are required to launder blankets and sheets weekly.
If I am late from work, will there be someone to stay with my child?
A staff member will remain with your child on the premises until you arrive. Do not worry we will keep your chid happy and comfortable. Please do not forget to call if you will be late, so we can explain the delay to your child to prevent them from becoming upset. Arrangements can be made for late pick-up.
What are your policies on discipline?
Our policy on discipline is based on an understanding of the realistic expectations and developmental abilities of the pre-school child. Our goal is to foster self discipline and the spirit of cooperation by establishing basic ground rules. The foundation of these ground rules are respect and responsibility.
Listening skills are taught and reviewed often so children are better prepared to follow directions and be cooperative members of a group. Each disciplinary issue is dealt with individually.
The disciplinary procedure is as follows:
• Child is removed from the situation and is given the opportunity to discuss the behavior and alternate solutions.
• If child repeatedly disregards rules parents will be notified.
• If there is no improvement a meeting with parents, teachers and director will follow. Possible solutions may include shortening child's schedule, professional evaluation and behavior modification techniques.
Is there a tuition payment plan?
Yes, The yearly tuition is broken up into monthly installments for your convenience.
During bad weather does the school close?
Our Learning Centers close according to the schedule that is given to all parents at the start of school. To check if your location will be closed due to inclement weather please call the center and a message will indicate our decision.
At all times our locations are closed when the Department of Education is closed. If the safety of our children, staff or parents is in jeopardy then the decision to close will be necessary. There are no makeup days for school closings.
What kind of Curriculum do you follow?
All of the components of early childhood education are covered in our own unique thematic curriculum. The children will develop listening skills, creativity, social skills, fine and gross motor skills, and develop problem solving techniques. The goal of our programs is to provide an age appropriate curriculum, as the children happily learn though play.